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HP OpenVMS Technical Update Days 2012 | Bad Homburg, 8./9. November 2012
Folien der Vorträge, Format: PDF
Welcome |
Günter Kriebel / Knut Alpers, HP |
OpenVMS - Keep On Walking Together |
Ken Surplice, HP EMEA |
OpenVMS Customer Programs and other things |
Mandar Chitale, HP |
OpenVMS Strategy and Roadmap |
Rahul Philip Mampallil, HP |
What is new with OpenVMS V8.4 |
Aditya B S, HP |
Connect |
Dr. Heinz-Hermann Adam, Connect Deutschland |
OpenVMS vs Linux/Windows - Security Costs |
Jürgen Probst, HP |
OpenVMS Services from HP |
Ian Miller, HP |
The Secrets of EFI |
Martin Vorländer, PDV-Systeme |
News From the Hobbyist |
Dr. Bernd Ulmann |
Attunity |
Menachem Brouk, Attunity |
AllianceOne |
Peter Schmalz HP |
CHARON and "real life"
Charon - Real life examples |
Thomas Siebold, Stromasys |
Intel - Mission Critical Your Way |
Dr. Feixiong Liu, Intel |
OpenVMS on large Blades - Practical Experiences |
Colin Butcher, XDelta Ltd. |
OpenSource & Unix Portability |
Chinmay Ghosh, HP |
Oracle Database on OpenVMS and Oracle Rdb Product Update |
Kevin Duffy, Oracle |
OpenVMS Storage Updates |
Prashanth K E, HP |
OpenVMS Success Story |
Chinmay Ghosh, HP |
OpenVMS in a new environment |
Thilo Lauer, HP |
Christian Stankowic berichtet in seinem Blog von seinen Eindrücken von dieser Veranstaltung. |
