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HP OpenVMS Technical Update Days 2009 | Bad Homburg, 17./18. September 2009
Folien der Vorträge. Format: PDF, soweit nicht anders vermerkt.
Keynote |
Ken Surplice, HP EMEA |
Introducing STSD - the OpenVMS Team |
Surya Prakash, HP India |
VMS Strategy and Roadmap |
Surya Prakash, HP India |
Oracle and Rdb Update |
Reinhold Dicke, Oracle |
Connect |
Heinz-Hermann Adam, Connect Deutschland
Oliver Bach, Connect Deutschland |
OpenVMS Scaling on Large Integrity Servers |
Guy Peleg, Maklee |
OpenVMS Disaster Tolerant Cluster Update |
Akila Subramanian, HP India |
VMS - Performance Tips and Tricks |
Guy Peleg, Maklee |
e-Business and Open Source Update |
Mandar Chitale, HP India |
Compilers and Software Development Tools |
Mandar Chitale, HP India |
CIFS Update |
Hari Muzumdar, HP India |
Clusters over IP |
Akila Subramanian, HP India |
HPVM and OpenVMS
OpenVMS Guest Installation under HPVM (WMV) |
Sandeep Ramavana, HP India |
Adabas on OpenVMS (PPT) |
Stephen Wild, Software AG |
CHARON Overview |
Dogan Baser, Stromasys |
OpenVMS CPU-Performance auf CHARON-AXP (PPT) |
Jörg Streit, EQUIcon |
Introducing eCube Systems (PPT) |
Kevin Barnes, eCube Systems |
Integrity Migrations - Real Stories |
Mandar Chitale, HP India |
VMS Undocumented Features (PPS) |
Sandeep Ramavana, HP India |