Musical Chairs

La La La La Stop!

by Aaron Rice (
written 24 Jun 1996

This article is classified "Real"

"Musical Chairs" is a game played mostly by children, certainly in England 
and possibly elsewhere, where there are a number of chairs and a number of 
people, and the people are told to move about as long as the music is 
playing.  Once the music has stopped, the people must sit on one of the
seats to remain in the game, which is made increasingly difficult as chairs
are removed each time.  The eventual winner is the one who ends the game,
sitting on the single remaining chair.
There are a number of ways to cheat at this, the first of these is to find
a chair, possibly the one you are most happy with, and move slowly around
it, while keeping your backside aligned with the horizontal surface.
Possibly, you might rotate the chair to achieve this, but to do this may
risk retaliation.
If this method looks to prove unsuccessful, you could employ the "barge" 
method, which involves shoving everybody else out of the way when the
music stops.  This approach has the possible side-effect of pushing the
game into a violent conflict, and should therefore be used sparingly.
Lastly, you might think to gain some control over the music, and therefore
be able to stop it just as you are ready to sit down.  This is a very
crafty method, and requires a little bit of fore planning, and possible
monetary incentives for the relevant parties.  This is not a worthwhile
approach if the prize is too small.
Usually though, games like this will be initiated in the name of "fun",
and cheating is severely frowned upon to the point where cheats are usually
barred from participating.  Anyway, the prize for winning is usually so 
small, that participation should only be in the name of fun anyway.
The chairs themselves, are not at all musical, and are not capable of
being so on their own, and are also unlikely to catch on as a major musical

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