
It's Really Confusing

by Mark Anthony Young (
written 01 Dec 1991

This article is classified "Partly real, partly fictional"

It's not surprising that people in this forum are confused about infinity.

It's hard to reconcile infinity so most of us don't even try.  We just 
marvel for a while, then wander off find a party so we don't have to think 
about it.  After a few Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, the incipient panic
goes away, and we really start to enjoy ourselves.

Unfortunately, the problem of understanding infinity gets left to people
with absolutely no social skills, so even if they did show up at the
party (unlikely, since who'd invite them?) and even if they did try to
explain it (likely, since, as I said, they have absolutely no social
skills and are completely oblivious to the fact that you're really
trying to be alone with that fabulous being in the kitchen and don't give
a pair of fetid dingo's kidneys what they have to say) you wouldn't learn
anything because that fabulous being would start talking to someone else
and you'd turn on your tormenter and say "Yeah, we figured that out last
week and it's going to be published in a really keen journal so eat your
heart out" and stomp off to the bar without having heard a word they said.

So have some sympathy for these poor benighted people who don't understand
infinity.  They've got terrible hangovers and didn't get laid.

See also:
  • Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster -- Terran Version
  • Light
  • Time, Space, And Fathers
  • Time
  • Afterlife, The
  • Alternate Universes
  • Infinity, The Truth About
  • Infinity, The Trouble With

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