
The Real Use For Philosophy

by Daniel A. Bowman (ai569@yfn.ysu.edu)
written 19 May 1993

This article is classified "Real"

The ability to rationalize is an invaluable skill for today's
hitchhiker, second only to the art of bluffing.  The proper use of this
skill enables the hitchhiker to accomplish all sorts of amazing feats,
one of the most wondrous of these being the ability to get out of
doing any physical or mental labor that might be required.  This is done
simply by convincing oneself that you have done enough work and a good
rest is in order.  Unfortunately, to completely avoid the pangs of
conscience that will undoubtedly accompany such a decision, one must be
truly adept at the art of rationalization.  This much sought-after degree
of mastery takes many years of practice.  The only good side to this
is the fact that you are practicing your rationalization techniques is
a great excuse for getting out of work.

Another good use for rationalization is to convince yourself that the
guy you just stole that car from didn't really need it as much as you do
(I mean, he doesn't have to get out of town because of that bank job
you just pulled) and besides, you're not really stealing it, just
borrowing it without his knowing, which really isn't the same thing....
As you can see, there is a lot of money to be made in philosophy.

See also:
  • Bluffer's Guides, The
  • Work
  • Inspiration, Lack Of

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