Quartered Sandwiches

Sandwiches Cut Into Quarters

by Aaron Rice (a.rice@ukonline.co.uk)
written 24 Jan 1997

This article is classified "Real"

Possibly the worst way you can actually cut a sandwich in my opinion.  It
leaves you with four small pieces of sandwich, barely big enough to leave
you even partly full, and certainly leaving you wanting at least the other
three quarters [1].

It seems like such a waste of effort to cut a sandwich into any more than
two pieces, that the people who do so can only be doing it for visual
effect.  The premise being that four small pieces look better, or neater,
than two larger pieces.  This is not entirely untrue.

The question remains, however, as to why people feel it necessary to cut
their sandwiches into quarters when they're not going to be seen by anyone
else.  An easy answer is to say that they just like it that way.

[1] Unless, of course, you have a very small appetite.

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