National Gallery, London, The

The Nation's Pictures Permanently On Display

by Alex McLintock (
written 28 Nov 1996

This article is classified "Real"

A lot of Londoners consider London to be the centre of the cultural world.
This is hardly surprising since we have so many institutions to prove it.
One such institution is the National Gallery.  This building holds over
one thousand paintings from the world's greatest artists, painted over the
last seven centuries.

To find the National Gallery, first aim for Trafalgar Square.  This
shouldn't be hard, as any visitor to London should have quickly determined
its location as the best place to get a Night Bus.  If you haven't been
there before, it is the one with the fountains and the post in the middle
[1].  Depending on the time of year, it may also have a large Christmas tree
in it.  The National Gallery is the large building on the North side, with
"National Gallery" written on it in letters big enough to be seen from the
moon [2].

The Gallery itself is split up into some seventy odd rooms, each with a
particular topic or period.  These rooms are collected into four wings:

          1) West Wing.  Paintings from 1510 to 1600.
          2) North Wing.  Paintings from 1600 to 1700.
          3) East Wing.  Paintings from 1700 to 1920.
          4) Sainsbury Wing.  Paintings from 1260 to 1510.

No, "Sainsbury" isn't some kind of cockney rhyming slang for "south".  The
Sainsbury Wing is a new building on the far west side of the west wing.

Expect to need two or three trips to even cover the whole gallery, and make
sure that you arrange a place and time to meet with friends, as you are
guaranteed to be split up and lose each other.

This landmark of London is highly recommended, not least because it is both
free and open on Sunday.

[1] The "Post" in Trafalgar Square is my sister's name for it.  Those in
    the know, call it "Nelson's Column".
[2] This is a slight exaggeration.

See also:
  • London, England, UK, Earth
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show At The Prince Charles Cinema
  • Moon, The

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