Plutoniad, The

A New Mathematical Operator

by Lee Merkel (
written 14 Aug 1994

This article is classified "Fictional"

Ludwig Plutonium in his life proposed several equations:

        * Gravity is neutrino couplings

        * The ether is space.  And the ether is neutrinos.  Ether is 
          neutrino space.

        * Plutonium QM:  Superfluidity and superconductivity is the motion
          of neutrinos.

        * Superfluid helium is Quantized neutrinos, i.e. equal to gravity.
          Gravity is nullified by neutrinos because gravitons are 

        * In early 1994 he intuited that superconductivity, by math logic, 
          is photon carriers diffracted grated into neutrino carriers.
          Superconductivity is neutrino motion in frozen matter.

I propose a new Mathematical Operator (MO) -- the Plutoniad -- written as
"is" (except when Syntactical Hierarchy of Informational Transmission -- 
SHIT -- transforms the Plutoniad through 180 degreasings into "are").
How this new MO works:
          A is B
In this Plutoniadic equation, A and B can be anything, but to acquire the 
most powerful VD (Vector Declension), they should be, technically speaking,
things that raise eyebrows when paired in a Quantum Equality Declaration 
(QED).  Thus,
          Time is Inertia
is a Plutoniadic equation, as is:
          Time is Money
This clears a lot of underbrush and leads us to:
          Inertia is Money
Which proves couch potatoes are more economically aggressive than most 
people think.
The power of the Plutoniad lies in the long tradition of equality in math.
None of this newfangled crackpot unproven blarney like square roots, 
polynomials, long division or especially inequalities.  Because:
          Equality is King!
This plutoniadic equation (Equality is King!) is marked by the Urgent 
Responsive Power (URP) symbol, the  "!"  This signifies a truly significant
Plutoniadic equation of great signification.

See also:
  • Gravity

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