Towel, What To Do If You Lose Yours

When Your Terry Tarries, And You've Moved On

by Gregory C. Wait, aka Xang Woopy 101010 (
written 20 Jun 1995

This article is classified "Fictional"

A towel, as has been stated before, is the single most important article a
hitchhiker can carry.  They are relatively inexpensive, portable, and
rarely blow up unexpectedly.  No self-respecting hitchhiker would be caught
dead without his or her towel, though many not-so self-respecting
hitchhikers often are.

Say, for example, you're galloping along the shores of Mid Lumbar Lagoon
on Gergbool, soaking up the gentle green rays of the twin Gergbool suns,
exhilarating in the feel of the lean Boogabeast leaping beneath your
boogasaddle, blinking away the warm, sticky-sweet sea foam, smiling at the
thought of the gentle, gifted, and government-subsidized Gergboolian whores
who await you back in Gergbool Prime.  Life is good.  You feel like the
hoopiest frood to ever slap steel with a face-flannel.  You reach for your
trusty towel to wipe the warm blue sea foam from your brow, and you can't
find it.  Anywhere.

Listen carefully while I say it again, "YOU CAN'T FIND IT."  Your T-O-W-E-L.
A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E.  What do you do?


That's right, you heard me.  Capital P-A-N-I-C.  There's nothing else to do,
really, and here's why.  Since the very reason for knowing where your towel
is involves the supposition that if you can actually keep track of your
towel no matter what then you must have the situation, whatever the
situation may be, under control, it is only logical to assume that if you
can't find your towel things are going very, very badly for you.  You are
either already, or about to become, one very unhoopy frood.  You are most
likely going to die.

You can pretty much throw the guide away at this point.  Nothing in it, not
even the cover, can help you now.  Even this article is only supplied to try
to take your mind off of what is no doubt going to be a very unpleasant time
in your life, which I suppose it is not doing a very good job of.  But hey,
the guide is about information.  This isn't a hand-holding service.  

See also:
  • Towel, Chris Tann's
  • Travel Necessities
  • Field Researchers, How To Recognize

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