Ozarks, The Lake Of The, Missouri, USA, Earth

How To Have Fun Here

by Matt Baier (Geiiga42@aol.com)
written 08 Jul 1996

This article is classified "Real"

If you are ever in Missouri, a froody place to go is the Lake of the Ozarks.
It is in central Missouri, a three hour drive from Kansas City, and if
you're very daring, you might try the three hour fifteen minute drive from
St. Louis.  If you're from any of the planets where there is no sarcasm, you
may actually think that there is a difference in the drive.  There's not,
other than the St. Louis drive is slightly longer and flatter.  If you have
a pilot's license and a small plane, you may try to land at Warrensburg
airport, which is an hour away from the lake and also not near a car rental
place, so I don't recommend it.  The Lake of the Ozarks is unique in that,
unlike the Kansas lakes of the same type, it is actually big enough to see
on a state map.  There is some long story about its creation which basically
says that it was built in the thirties by some guys with too much time on
their hands.

The Lake of the Ozarks is considered by many to be a hoopy place to hang
about.  This is one of the major problems with this area.  If you venture
into this land, you are considered a "weekender", and will thus be barred
from polite society.  The term "weekender" is wrought from the usual days
that people crowd the lake, but it applies to any visitor, regardless of the
day they visit.

Having Fun
This is the best part.  It is impossible to have more fun in the Midwest
with a hitchhiker's budget.  One of the best ways to have fun is to make
friends with a local who has an ocean liner.  The best way to do this is
to hang about any shore of the lake with rather large houses.  They are
basically friendly people who can withstand any story, no matter how
mind-bogglingly dull it happens to be.

Another free way to have fun is to go to Party Cove.  This cove is
notorious for two-day parties every week.  It is closed and moved every
time the Ozarkian mafia, or the Four Seasons, wants to sell adjacent real
estate, but any local or "Generation X"-er can tell you where it is.

If you are slightly more well to do, you might try one of the go-cart
tracks.  The best way to find a go-cart track is to walk for ten minutes in
any direction.

If you are one of those people who hitchhike from a sense of adventure
rather than out of necessity, and are also quite wealthy, I recommend
jet-ski rentals.  These are slightly less expensive by the hour than
go-carts, but you must rent the jet-skis for at least an hour, which will
set you back $35.

If you are a healthy hitchhiker, you will eventually notice that you
are hungry.  If you are in this situation, I can only talk about good
restaurants, as anything else will likely make you sick.  The best Mexican
restaurant in the known universe is Tres Hombres.  It has two easy to find
locations, but they are not so easy to find that I'd remember where they
were.  For directions on getting directions, see below.

If you are appalled by the sight of freshly killed peppers, you should go
to Ozark Barbecue.  They have very good barbecued ribs, and a dock to
accommodate the boat-going members of the lake.

If you need to go to a bar, which is unlikely since Party Cove is like a
bar and much cheaper, with more hoopy stuff going on, you should go to
Chances 'R' or Shooters 21.  Chances 'R' is extremely good, especially if
you want to see the big game/race/event on a tiny screen, and I've heard
that Shooters 21 is excellent as well.

Fitting In
Fitting in at the lake is one of the easier things in life.  Actually, it is
more like beating Bobby Fisher in chess.  For those of you that don't fit in
anywhere, here are some tips.   First, and this is a hard part, never wear
shoes.  Shoes mean that your feet are too tender to handle the gravel and
rocks that are inevitable in the Ozarks.  Men must never wear shirts, and
women must wear either a swimming suit or a tank top.

Once you get there, you may note that purse snatchings are so rare that they
make good news stories.  This means that people are more trusting than in
other parts of the country, and hitchhiking to another area of the country
is much easier.  For best results, I recommend going to any highway on a
Sunday evening or Monday morning, and sticking your thumb out.  If there
is rain on the road, be wary of those who like to see how much water their
tires can move.

Getting Directions
Another thing you may notice is that there are very few street names.  This
means that if you decide to ask for directions, give the person a piece of
paper and ask them to write it down.  This is because the major street is
called TT.  There are streets going off that street towards the lake with
names like TT-50.  It is more or less a maze of roads, and the only real
way to know how to get around is to stay there for a month and study the

The Lake of the Ozarks is a hoopy place for any hitchhiker to go.  Besides
a few drawbacks, it is a definite must for anyone who wants to say they've
seen froody stuff.

See also:
  • Kansas City, Missouri, USA, Earth
  • Chess

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