It's A Start

by Aaron Rice (a.rice@ukonline.co.uk)
written 10 Jun 1996

This article is classified "Real"

"A" is an appropriate acronym for any organisation that has a one-word name
beginning with "A".  Also, it can form a useful abbreviation for words,
titles or names that begin with the same.

Apart from this, its uses are fairly wide, though it is generally used to
describing the singular quantity of any item, such as, "a cup of tea," or
"a plate of moon dust."  It also can, and sometimes should, be expanded to
"An" when referring to singular items beginning with a vowel, such as, "an
assortment of squashed citrus fruits," or "an unusually green expression."
This rule is presumably to allow spoken language to flow more easily.

Most modern languages also list "A" as the initial character of their
alphabets, which can make it an extremely popular letter to use when
creating anything that is listed alphabetically, in that such items are more
likely to be listed in a higher position.  Likewise, anything that begins
with a less significant letter can, as can be assumed to, suffer under these
circumstances, unless they begin with the last letter of the alphabet, which
can also be notable, especially when the list is unexpectedly reversed.

Some systems that use the alphabet to grade things, may well use "A" as the
"top" grade, while subsequent letters are used to represent progressively
worse marks.  A habit of recent times has also been to add a "+" or "-"
to the grade to indicate where a grade was only-just above of below the
expected standard to achieve the specified rating.  Methods such as this are
mostly invalid, as the letter is all that is usually held to be relevant.
On the whole, however, this method of grading is quite effective, and
provides a reasonably instant way of informing somebody, and having them
understand, what you are trying to say.

Also, for some indeterminable reason, "A" also forms the basis for the
sound made when you happen to fall from a great height.  The usual usage
of this is, "aaaaaaa," while the volume of this gradually decreases.  Some
innovative people have attempted in the past, to replace this with another
sound, which they hope will catch on and make them rich.  So far, this
hasn't happened [1].

It is thus hardly a surprise that "A" is one of the most popular letters in
most alphabets, as our lives would be very different without it [2].

[1] Jumping off a small pile of bricks yelling "woo!" doesn't count, and
    might get you arrested if you do it in the wrong place.
[2] You cn sy tht gin.

See also:
  • Acronyms
  • Abbreviations
  • X
  • Jumping Off Cliffs And Other High Places
  • Y

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