
Be Apathetic Now!

by Aaron Rice (a.rice@ukonline.co.uk)
written 05 Jul 1996

This article is classified "Real"

Much of life involves a level of commitment that many people are totally
unable, or perhaps just unwilling, to make.  Inability to do so can be the
result of circumstances and is usually specific to the actual commitment
involved, but unwillingness, though this can be specific too, is generally a
certain apathy towards things in general.

The major clues when you are attempting to identify apathy, are the casual
"Oh, I can't be bothered," or the deceptively unhelpful and probably
dishonest, "Oh, I'll do it later."  These comments will usually be made when
the relevant person is virtually inactive [1].

Combating apathy can be difficult, whether you are the passive being in
question,  or merely the observer.  The former would have to want to
overcome their apathy which, considering the nature of such, is unlikely to
be the case.  The latter can attempt to induce enthusiasm through various
activities, preferably relevant to the eventual task you wish them to
undertake.  This is usually difficult, but in extreme circumstances

If you are in a position where your life depends on the positive [2] actions
of an apathetic person, then it is probably a good idea to make peace with
yourself and whatever you believe in, while you still can.

[1] Though they are unlikely to suspend respiratory functions, unless they
    are dead.
[2] If it depends on them being totally disinterested, then you're in luck.

See also:
  • Problem Solving
  • Relaxation

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