Random Sort Method

Throw It Up In The Air

by Aaron Rice (a.rice@ukonline.co.uk)
written 23 Jan 1997

This article is classified "Fictional"

Occasionally, even the most strict scientist will reach the point where all 
the formulae in the world cannot solve his problems.  It is at this point 
where, if they wish to proceed, they must rely on luck.

One of the methods they might choose if they need to sort something, and 
wish to rely on the sheer luck of it, is the Random Sort Method (RSM).  To 
perform this method, you must:

          1) Obtain a blank piece of paper [1].
          2) Tear, or cut, the paper into small pieces.
          3) Upon each piece, write down a label for an element you wish to
             sort.  Use one piece of paper for each and every element.
          4) For mystical, or even pseudo-religious, effect you might wish
             to perform some sort of ceremony on the paper now.  A song is 
             usually good.  A dance adds an extra air of authenticity [2].
          5) Place all of the pieces of paper into a hat, or other
          6) One-by-one, remove each piece of paper, and form a line on a
             desk, or failing everything else, the floor.
          7) Record the position of each item, hastily appending notation
             to the effect that you have just performed something rather 
             scientific, perhaps even explaining away the song and dance 
             routine, if you saw fit to perform either or both of them.

In all actuality, if you are lucky enough, your efforts will have been 
observed by some invisible entity, which will have ordered those bits of 
paper for you, and may have sorted them into the correct order.  Of course, 
if your luck if particularly bad, you may have encountered a largely evil 
entity who decided to completely jumble your work.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of invisible entities, it is usually 
difficult to prove their existence, and you will therefore have to remain 
ignorant of this.  Under the unlikely circumstances that you are able to 
prove the existence of the above, please write an article about it, and 
forward to the Guide, post-haste.

[1] Or several, if required.
[2] But don't overdo it.

See also:
  • Luck
  • Compression Sort Transform

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