Kibo, Who Is

The History Of Kibo And Anews

by Rudrik Greyshadow (Rudrik Greyshadow)
written 30 Aug 1994

This article is classified "Fictional"

Ah, KIBO!  Sit back my children and I will tell you a story.  This is an old
story, predating the mysteries of the threads, the story of nn, and even the
wondrous glamour of RN.  It was a time before the great Readnews stretched
its arms across the world.  The story of KIBO, it is believed, even predates
the great Flame wars.  When KIBO entered the world it was a time of peace
and sharing; a time of tranquillity; a time when the world consisted of less
than 100 different groups.

The land of Anews, was a rich land of rolling hills and minor bugs.  Anews
was a small and manageable land, and its meager resources were more than
ample to support it's growing population. And Anews prospered.  The land was
green and outsiders came to the wondrous Anews.  And these settlers demanded
new things.  They wanted Anews to expand to become better. They wanted the
council to provide them, the outsiders, with more services and more groups.
Alas the council could not keep up with the new demands and the dwindling
resources and the expansion.

So it came to pass that the time came when Anews could no longer contain
itself within its boundaries and the Council of Elders gathered.  For many
nights the council debated.  Many toes were stepped on and there was much
wailing and gnashing of teeth.  And finally, when they emerged, the council
decided that they should war on their neighbors.  The outsiders came from
their neighbors and so Anews would expand into the outsiders lands.  Ah the
Anews wars were a glorious time... with many heroes....

But we are here to hear the story of KIBO.... perhaps I shall tell you of
the wars later.

As Anews grew the council became divided.  The high elders wished to
maintain the old systems, while the youngers on the council wanted change.
And thus the Great and glorious Bnews fraction sprang to life.  Anews was
limiting themselves, trying to manage the large populous with their old
small populous ideas.  Bnews knew that the new order required rethinking
and a series of Justices to over see some of the more prolific groups.
Once in place these Moderators freed the council to look further toward
expansion... and expand they did.

But all was not happy in the land of Bnews... for the new council thought
that they were being slighted in the new order.  And Chief of these Renegade
Nobles was KIBO.  It was KIBO, who crawled through the mire to discover the
younger councils plot to sabotage his divine right.  It was KIBO who spurred
the R Ns to overthrow the younger council.  It was KIBO who insisted on
keeping KILL files for those he thought were out to challenge HIS supremacy.
And all RN cowered under the rule of the great KIBO.

And the People of readnews, as KIBO called his lands, made mistakes, and
sent errant missives.  And they would cry KIBO help me; and KIBO would
dispatch his glorious assassins to Cancel the missive.  The receivers cried:
"What have you done?", "Why have you done this?"  To which the assassins
would darkly reply: "Killed Intentionally By Owner" as they faded back into
the inky black darkness from which they emerged.

And that my children is the story of KIBO for now.....

Next week:  The Great Flame Wars.  (or Welcome to Hell; please put on your
asbestos suit)

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