Psychic Gravity

Human Bodies Attracted By Empty Spaces, Lamp Posts, And Other Humans

by Roel van der Meulen (
written 13 Feb 1995

This article is classified "Partly real, partly fictional"

Psychic Gravity is a phenomenon that most people aren't aware of yet.
It explains a lot of other phenomena for which people have given 
different explanations, but quite wrongly so, as you will soon understand.

One of these phenomena is the situation where you are trying to pass
through a relatively narrow gap and you feel the sides of it tugging at
you.  Consider for instance the situation where you're riding on your
little bike and you have to manouvre between two cars which are standing
close together, waiting for the traffic lights to turn green.  Feel them
tugging!  Also remember the situation where you're walking on a crowded
pavement and where you want to 1) avoid someone coming straight at you
(only solved after more than three attempts) or 2) want to slide through
that little gap between a lamp post and an oncoming pedestrian; you
always bump into one of either.  When you're drunk the force is stronger;
then you're absolutely sure to crash against the lamp post or wind up in
the arms of a disgusted and sober pedestrian.

Psychic Gravity also explains the phenomenon of vertigo.  Vertigo isn't
so much being afraid of heights as it is the realistic awareness that a
force exists that, on the roofs of large buildings, on steep mountain paths
and at the edges of abysses, pulls you to the edge and beyond.  Here
Psychic Gravity is the attractive force between a human body, or a brain,
if you like to see it that way, and huge open spaces.  The force also
appears when you try to walk or cycle on the lining on the road or on a

Psychic Gravity is also seen in the phenomenon of two human bodies, or
their brains if you like, which are attracted to each other.  This is
often mistakingly called "love", but that is just a side effect.
Physical Attraction is a far better term.

Now what to do about Psychic Gravity?  The key to the solution is to know
in Which case to do What.  Disaster can occur when you apply the wrong
solution.  The two solutions are 1) Giving In and 2) Ignoring it.

In the first two cases above, it is best to ignore everything that causes
the force, like the wide open spaces you can fall into and the very
solid objects you can smash your face into.  As the force is mental,
it disappears when the focus is gone.

Of course in the second case you can also give in and jump off the edge,
but then you hardly ever live to tell the tale.  This 'giving in' is
better used in the third case, the so called 'physical attraction'.
It can tremendously improve your love life, whereas using the 'ignoring'
solution may well damage it beyond repair, and mess up your social life
a bit as well.

To summarize it: the important thing with Psychic Gravity is to know 
when to give in and when not to.  I hope you have learned a great deal
from this.

May the force be with and without you.

See also:
  • Gravity
  • Jumping Off Cliffs And Other High Places
  • More Great Places And Buildings To Not Jump Off

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