Encyclopedia Galactica

The Legendary Encyclopedia Of The Entire Universe

by Rickard Andersson (rickard@softlab.se)
written 30 Dec 1994

This article is classified "Real"

The term Encyclopedia Galactica has been used by many writers, when
they have needed references to some type of official encyclopedia in
their works.  Probably the first one to use the term was Isaac Asimov.
Asimov used the term Encyclopedia Galactica in his Foundation trilogy,
which was first published as eight novels between 1942 and 1949.  In all
the Foundation books by Asimov, the last one written in 1993, there are
references to the Encyclopedia Galactica.  Douglas Adams has also used
the term Encyclopedia Galactica in his Hitch-Hiker's Guide trilogy.
Adams only goes so far as to compare Encyclopedia Galactica to the
Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which by comparison is a bit cheaper.

The Project Galactic Guide (PGG) can maybe be seen as an attempt to bring
a reasonably accurate encyclopedia to the people of the universe.  But
nevertheless must the Encyclopedia Galactica be considered the ultimate
reference book in the future.

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