Legendary Tree People Of Brent, The (TM)

Brent, And Its Indigenous Life

by Alexander Lachlan McLintock (alexmc@biccdc.co.uk)
written 07 Jun 1993

This article is classified "Fictional"

There is some debate as to whether there is any indigenous animal life on
the planet Brent.  Almost the entire biomass is made up of vegetable
species.  The most important of these is Legendary Tree People of Brent
(TM).  This race of super-intelligent trees learnt to speak some 2.5
million standard years ago.  It is alleged that the first sentence ever
spoken by a Brent was "Where am I?".  This took some two centuries from
the "W" to the "?".  Unfortunately no one had yet had a chance to learn the
language and the first articulate Brent died from nervous insecurity.

However, progress was rapid and it is now possible to hold a conversation
with a Brent if accompanied by a Translator.  Translators are members of a
local type of ambulatory fern which are commonly employed for their
linguistic expertise.  It was they who introduced the tourist industry to
the planet of Brent.  Their advertising agency, Snaatchi and Snaatchi,
thought up the phrase "Legendary Tree People of Brent" (TM) and
trademarked it in twelve major star systems.

The Legendary Tree People of Brent (TM) have a religion based on the
all-powerful warrior god (or "dei-tree") called "Green-the-Big-Skwiril-Home."
Brent religious texts tell of the tale of Green-the-Big-Skwiril-Home's fight
against the "small-quick-things-which-went-buzzzz-and-cut-the-tree-people-
down."  The tales ended with Green-the-Big-Skwiril-Home being beaten and
killed: a common occurrence among omnipotent beings.  He was later used for
making tables, chairs, and other house furniture.

Contraband items on the planet of Brent include: wooden spoons, wooden
matches, paper books, and McDog's polystyrene burger cartons (famous the
galaxy over for their polystyrene food).

It is customary to offer manure as a present to Legendary Tree People of
Brent (TM).

It is not socially acceptable to call mating Brents "lover-trees" and then
use toilet humour.

One of the major exports of Brent is the Legendary Tree People of Brent
(TM) themselves.  They are uprooted and replanted to guard military
installations.  They hold the rank of "sen-tree."

There is a sect of dendricidal psychopathic Brents who follow the way of

Although the Legendary Tree People of Brent (TM) are extremely wise, their
conversation is somewhat limited by their area of influence.  For that
reason it is not recommended to ask a Brent where the best local dance
club is.

See also:
  • McLintock, Alexander Lachlan

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