Computers, Earth

A Consideration Of Similarities And Differences From The Galactic Norm

by Richard Nielsen (
written 10 Jul 1994

This article is classified "Partly real, partly fictional"

Earth Computers are of course, as are all Galactic computers encountered
by our correspondents, a complete fraud.  You need to know three things
about the terran variety of the unarmed bandit:

          1) The marketing divisions of hardware and software (make no
             distinction, it's all just stuff in a box) manufacturers
             describe their products as electronic tools for the storage,
             retrieval, and manipulation of information, capable of
             zillions of calculations per second.  Actually, calculation
             and manipulation are correct terms.  The true purpose of
             these entities is the reduction of patently absurd
             information into digestible "bytes" that otherwise could not
             be swallowed, even by the more gullible residents of this
             backward, cheap, and money-grubbing planet.  Human
             practitioners of this technique are referred to as
             "statisticians" or, more commonly, "liars."

             The difference between information gleaned from a computer
             and any kind of reality can easily be demonstrated.  Take a
             piece of paper.  Write on it.  Look at it.  It is a real
             thing.  It cannot be changed without your knowledge unless
             you loose track of it, get totally wasted, or just don't
             care.  Put it on a shelf.  Stay up all night looking at it.
             Take it down.  You know it's the same thing even if you
             don't remember what you wrote.

             This is not true of the information on a computer screen.
             Where does it go when you turn it off?  Even when you just
             go to the refrigerator for a beer, when you come back your
             text is replaced by one of those .gifs of Kathy Ireland
             necessary to save your delicate and expensive video screen
             from burn-in.

             The subtlety of the fraud being perpetrated can easily be
             demonstrated by consideration of your monthly computer-
             produced MasterCard or Visa statement.  The total is
             impossible.  There is no way you could have spent that much
             money.  But when you look at the individual items, some begin
             to assume a vague familiarity.  Others begin to seem at least
             plausible, considering certain cash purchases you may have
             made.  And so, simply because it is "on the computer," you are
             made to believe in the impossible.  You go on to pay or not to
             pay the backward, cheap and money-grubbing people at the bank
             depending on that other computerized fraud, your checking

          2) There's a great old wheeze, decades old, that you can still
             pull at will on the furless monkeys here, who are still always
             willing to believe that they are the experimenters rather than
             the subjects of experiments.  The gag is called the "Turing
             Test."  You enter a small windowless room.  One of the walls
             has a little slot in it through which you can push sheets of
             paper.  On the other side of this partition will be a cretin
             in a white coat whose purpose in life is to determine whether
             or not you are a computer.  Through the wall he'll yell,
             "Write something in Chinese!"  You may, like most of the
             inhabitants, be familiar with at least one form of written
             Chinese, but regardless of that just scribble down any lame
             gibberish and pass it through the slot.  "Aha!" hollers the
             white-coated wonder.  "You're not Chinese.  You're a

             From that point on, the ninny will believe you are a
             dependable electronic tool for the storage, retrieval, and
             manipulation of information, capable of zillions of
             calculations per second, rather than a hung-over liberal
             arts major with a vicious sense of humor whose brain seizes
             up when confronted by a goes into sign.

          3) Computers are controlled by mice.

See also:
  • Computer Malfunctions
  • Computerats
  • Ka-Dink Effect, The
  • Self-Destructing Computers
  • Earth
  • Printer Ink Cartridge Refills
  • Cash Machines
  • Answer Phones
  • Avoiding Computer Obsolescence
  • Knights Of The Command Line, The
  • Booting, Origin Of The Word

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