Shopping, After Midnight

The Best Time To Browse The Racks

by Jeff Kramer (
written 02 Jul 1995

This article is classified "Real"

People who shop after midnight are a particular breed.  There aren't
many places for one to shop after midnight, mostly composed of grocery
stores and convenience marts.  The convenient thing about shopping at
odd hours is that there is no one to impress.

So-called "Normal People" actually have the idyllic delusion that they
might run into someone that they have the need of impressing.  Thus, the
people that you see browsing the racks at 2 in the AM aren't the kind of
people you see on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Delusioned" -- they're more
the kind of people you happen across in the pages of National Geographic
passed out on the sidewalks of Debuke.  This makes it the perfect time for
your given hitchhiker to catch a ride, since most of these people have had
their egos stomped on so by society that they are willing to help out
anyone who will give them the time of day.

There are certain people you should avoid, as a rule.  The first of these
is the Housewife.  The Housewife will appear as if she is straight out of
a bad Rosanne clone, and is usually armed with either mace, or pictures of
her kids.  Either of these could be very detrimental to your health.

The second is the Lost Lover.  The Lost Lover is usually in search of
alcohol.  While this can be good, the alcohol in question can often be
wine, and they may just be on a quick trip to stock up, and will be so
occupied with thoughts of what awaits him and his bottle of love, he will
respond to any attempt to divert his path with possibly deadly force.

The third, and possibly most dangerous, is the "Normal Person" that is just
accidently out after midnight, and is scared that if anyone sees them, they
will be embarrassed forever, and will interpret any attempts at
introduction as violent, since they have also been shown what kind of
people inhabit stores after midnight on "Cops."

As long as you stay away from these three groups, your visits to stores
after midnight should be very happy and prosperous.

See also:
  • Insomnia
  • Aggressive Shopping

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