
Do You See The Light?

by Michael Bleyer (s_bleyer@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de)
written 25 Nov 1994

This article is classified "Real"

The danger of enlightenment is often underestimated by people, for obvious
reasons.  The common idea of enlightenment is that it is something positive
and wonderful that makes people consequently feel better afterwards.  This
is a big mistake.  For enlightenment always happens a little later than when
you expect it to happen, usually when you're already on the way back home in
your car.  But then it is actually so overwhelming that you are quite busy
with all these feelings and thoughts of, "Yeah.  Right.  So that's what it's
all about" going on inside you.

In other words, you are in absolutely no condition to reliably control a
vehicle, so you'll very likely end up hitting a tree head-on.

This is why enlightenment is so dangerous.

But luckily, nature was smart enough to foresee this foolish human behavior,
and has therefore installed a safety measure: it's not easy to get there.
This ensures that only experienced people who know how to handle it get
enlightened, and thus humankind is prevented from self-extinction through
enlightened drivers causing car accidents.

For you as an average Hitchhiker however, these risks most likely pose no
extraordinary threat compared to your usual lifestyle, so you might try it
out as well.  You have the option of several methods:

          1) Ask a Guru or Master to show you how it works.  This requires
             you to first find such a person, which shouldn't be so
             difficult, since they seem to be all over this planet lately.
             Watch out for fakes though.

             If the person smiles a lot, is not embarrassed by any of the
             stunts you pull to test him and asks for no or little money in
             exchange for teaching you, then you probably found one.  The
             second part is a little more tricky.  The definition of
             enlightenment claims that you cannot understand what someone
             else tells you about it if you haven't been there yourself.
             It also claims, however, that you don't have to be told,
             because you already have the potential to eventually figure it
             out for yourself, which brings you back to where you started.
             This obviously leads to the question why you would need a guru
             in the first place, since he can't explain it to you.  So all
             this guy usually does is tell you to meditate (see method 2,
             below) and whack you on the back of your head or perform some
             other mysterious action that he claims will speed up the
             process of getting you there.

          2) Meditation.  Besides often taking a lifetime or longer to yield
             any decent results, you usually have to stand incredible pains
             in your legs or other parts of your body, plus possibly being
             tortured by a guru with whacks on the back of your head (see
             method 1, above).  You are advised to try this only if you have
             masochistic tendencies or you have tried pretty much all other
             pastimes known to you and found them all boring.

          3) Drugs.  Since humans have become rather lazy, our technically
             advanced society has invented means to make even the hardest of
             tasks possible.  Many people want to feel as positive and
             wonderful as someone who is enlightened, but they don't want to
             put up with all this lifelong meditation and whacks on the back
             of their head.  This is why drugs were invented.  While some
             purists claim that drugs are not the same thing, and nowhere
             near as good as true enlightenment, this argument has never
             been scientifically proven, so it can be discarded.  The high
             rate of people causing car accidents while under the influence
             of drugs proves that there must be some effect of the same
             quality.  Besides, you can always cover the bad side effects of
             drugs by taking more drugs, whereas you can't cover up the pain
             in your legs through more meditation, so drugs obviously score
             better on this part.

          4) Instantaneous enlightenment.  This is by all means the best way
             to do it.  Unfortunately, so far no one has found a reliable way
             to successfully trigger it off.  It appears to just happen
             somehow, and before you even really notice, it's already gone
             again.  Hopes are high for neuroscience to come up with a device
             that will be able to record and playback such a condition of
             mind, but you might as well try some of the other methods while
             you wait.

See also:
  • Art Of Being, The
  • Classification Of Religions
  • Euro Disney, Marne-le-Vallee, France, Earth
  • Grappling The Internet Puzzle
  • Meditation

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