Night Of The Comet

Valley Girls, Machineguns, Zombies And The End Of The World...

by Mark Grant (
written 20 Jul 1994

This article is classified "Real"


     Regina       - Catherine Mary Stuart
     Samantha     - Kelli Maroney

     Director/Writer - Thom Eberhardt

Overview (possible spoiler warning)
Cute girls, machine guns, mad scientists, zombies, bad acting, and special
effects - what more could you ask for in a B-movie?  Our two heroines are
stuck at home with their mother while their father is off being a mercenary
in Central America, when, conveniently, about fifteen minutes into the movie
everyone else drops down dead after watching a comet go by (except for the
ones who turn into cannibal zombies - though, of course, many of them didn't
have far to go - and the obligatory mad scientists in an underground bunker
somewhere in the desert).

Following The-End-Of-The-World-As-We-Know-It(tm), the girls settle down
to a simple life of riding motorbikes, avoiding zombies, karate, shopping,
shooting things with automatic weapons, and fighting over the last living
man on Earth.  Then the mad scientists appear and they get an excuse to
blow some things up too.  Ah, definitely my kind of girls....

All in all, it's not a bad way to pass a couple of hours on a rainy
afternoon, and bizarre as it may sound, after about the fifteenth viewing
the plot actually does begin to make some sense.

Memorable Lines
     "Daddy would have gotten us Uzis"

Points of Note
This is possibly the only movie appearance ever of a Tempest video game.

See also:
  • Bad Taste

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