Bad Taste

High Culture From New Zealand

by Mark Grant (
written 20 Jul 1994

This article is classified "Real"

Wingnut Films, 1987

     Barry        - Pete O'Herne
     Derek/Robert - Peter Jackson
     Frank        - Mike Minett
     Ozzie        - Terry Potter

     Producer     - Peter Jackson
     Director     - Peter Jackson
     Writer       - Peter Jackson
     Editor       - Peter Jackson
     Effects      - Peter Jackson
     Makeup       - Peter Jackson

Overview (possible spoiler warning)
The inhabitants of the small New Zealand village of Kalhoi have vanished,
replaced by a bunch of mindless, shambling freaks.  Has the Earth been
invaded by alien psychopaths, or is it just the Ministry of Works?

Fortunately, "The Boys" from AIDS (Astro Investigation and Defence
Service) are here to find out, and on overtime rates, too....  Alien
Invaders don't stand a chance against Barry, Derek the chainsaw-wielding
ornithologist, Oz the avid Soldier of Fortune reader, and Frank, the
cigar-chewing Capri Driver.

Bad Taste is a humorous SF film from New Zealand, Earth, with a budget
so low that, as you can see from the abbreviated credits above, the
director also has to play two of the main characters and assist with
practically everything else.  It was Peter Jackson's first movie, and he
has since gone on to produce several more, including Meet The Feebles
(which I felt was nowhere near as good as Bad Taste), and Brain Dead.

This movie is the story of an alien fast-food company who come to Earth
in search of something new to put on the menu, and the title refers both
to this element of the storyline and to the film as a whole, which contains
something to offend practically everyone. If you can't deal with
cannibalism, sheep being blown up with rocket-propelled grenades, vomit-
eating, and worse, you probably ought to leave well alone - on the other
hand if that sounds like your idea of a good time, rent it immediately!

Memorable Lines
     "Stick all the bits of brain in a plastic bag, Barry"

     "Well, this has buggered your plans for conquering the universe,

     "I'll 'ave the 'ead, Reg - I want to suck 'is brains out"

     "You know the rules, when we work undercover we have to remain
     "I get it! Just in case we shoot lots of innocent people!"

     "My turn for the Magnum!"

And too many more to mention...

Points of Note
This is possibly the only movie where a Ford Capri gets blown up with
a rocket launcher... worth watching just for that!   8-)

See also:
  • Alien Elimination
  • Alien Identification
  • Night Of The Comet

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