Art Of Being, The

One Of The More Confusing Arts

by Dave Shockey Jr. (
written 15 Jul 1994

This article is classified "Real"

There main key isn't the actual Art of Being.  It is the keen perception of
realizing that you be.  Not everyone can fathom that they actually exist.
Some refuse to even acknowledge that anyone or anything exist, and will
talk to you about the subject at great length.  Of course this is a very
abstract thought.  The counter-argument to abstract thought is that if you
are doing abstract thought, then you must at least exist a little.  The
counter-argument to the counter-argument is a reference to almost any
modern free-form poet.  No one is willing to put forth a counter-argument to
the counter-argument to the counter-argument.

This leads to even a greater argument for non-existence.  Of course it's
all complete rubbish and anyone with the time for the whole mess is not
someone who deserves to exist at all.  (No reference to the before
mentioned argument.)  Any stupid bird that flies into a mirror can tell
you that it exists along with the other on-coming bird that darted out of
the way, the exact way it decided was the best way to avoid a collision.
It's no real matter that the moronic bird is wrong about what it conceives
to be another bird, but which is really an idiotic reflection of itself in
the mirror.  (The counter-counter argument lobe in my brain has sacked the
counter-argument lobe of my brain to keep any callous, intrepid ideas from
escaping any more in this article.)

(Disclaimer- My subconscious mind and my conscious mind don't often get
along because the twit conscious mind is often screwing up what the
brilliant subcon...all right stop that, your not even supposed to be able
to do that so up front.  You are supposed to influence me with some mental
innuendo.  So go back and create some more insecure personal feelings that I
can muddle with later.)

Anyways, all of that should further my point.  I've forgotten what it was
so if you're confused also, go back to the bird analogy and it most likely
will clear things up.  If it doesn't, then why don't you just go off and
shave a lemur.

I moving on.

So, back to the art of being.  Being is one of the simplest things you'll
ever do in life.  Once you get going, there's not really much more to it.
It's kind of like riding a bike.  Once you can do it, you never forget how
to do it, taking for granted you're not riding your bike into the front of
a speeding bus.  You pretty much lose the talent for riding a bike at this
point.  Along with being, at least physically being.

This brings up the interesting difference between physically being and
spiritually being.  You can tell 99.9 percent of the time whether someone
is physically being.  No one has conclusively proven anyone does or does
not spiritually exist.  Spiritual existence is a truly confusing matter to
get involved in and I'm often easily confused, so I'll leave that topic to
some other hitchhiker.  (Taking for granted someone actually reads this

Being is an art that doesn't take that much talent.  It most likely is the
easiest art you'll ever do.  Although, it does make about as much sense as
most art.  So even though the question, "why are we being?," is an extremely
complicated question.  The actual art of being is an extremely easy thing to
do.  You ought to try it sometime.

See also:
  • Earth
  • Philosophy
  • Enlightenment
  • Grappling The Internet Puzzle

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