Bars, European

Bars To Look Out For

by James Agay (u9215281@muss.CIS.McMaster.CA)
written 15 May 1993

This article is classified "Real"

If you have the good fortune to find yourself in Europe, here are a few

          1) Le Carlton, Charmonix, France.  Behind the casino.
             This is a combination pizzeria/bar.  The pizza is
             good and cheap - probably the best way to spend your
             money on food.  There are cheaper meals but you get a
             lot of pizza for your money, and Carmonix is a very
             expensive town.  The bar is good, not too expensive, with
             small but fun pool tables, good music, and generally
             friendly.  Be sure to order 'Bier avec pecan'.  That's beer
             mixed with a liqueur called Pecan.  It's no Gargle Blaster
             but it still packs a wallop.  Two thumbs up.

          2) La Rocha, Amsterdam, Holland.  My choice for late night.
             Open all hours, plus an attractive bamboo and grass decour.
             Be careful of the stairs leading to the upstairs drug room.
             They are steep and get steeper as the morning approaches.
             Good pool tables but be careful not to get hustled.  Beer
             is expensive (like $8 for a pint), but try the fruit juice.
             Drugs are cheap.  Located along the main street, just down
             from the station.

          3) The Babies, Benidorm, Spain.  Definitely the hoopiest place
             in Benidorm, and Benidorm is a city that is partying 24 hours.
             A good night in Benidorm lasts until about 10:30 the next
             morning, then cover yourself with a big towel and sleep under
             a boardwalk on the beach.  My personal record is 4 good nights
             in a row, which really borders on self abuse.  The Babies is
             the only real hard rockin' bar in the central part of town.
             The decour is black.  The tables, floor, walls, roof, etc. all
             black.  The music is loud, both in volume and style.  At the
             bar, you can only order by pointing at your empty glass or
             bottle, so it is important to bring a bottle in with you to
             order with, since verbal communication is impossible.  I am not
             joking.  You need an empty beer to order a full one.  It costs
             about $1 per pint so plan on self abusive consumption.

          4) Citroin, Paris, France.  This is a place to check out.  Don't
             plan on more then one drink since the prices are in the
             stratosphere.  The Bar is on the Champs Elliesee.  This is a
             place to go once you are already more then half way through
             your night.  What makes this place special is it a bar,
             restaurant, antique car museum, and new car showroom, all in
             one, all jumbled together.  At least look around.  Watch out
             for the bouncers; they don't want people damaging the classic

          5) Rotterdams (bar), Toronto, Canada.  Located on King Street,
             east of Spidina.  Watch out for the neighborhood.  A great,
             but expensive, bar featuring about 200 different beers.  Try
             the $15/per bottle Belgium peach beer.  Take a tour of the
             on-site brewery.  Try the Sunday buffet.

          6) Launbrau Beer Hall, Munich, Germany.  Ask anyone where it is.
             Massive bar.  This is the bar where Hitler survived a bomb in
             the 1930's.  This has been one of the biggest bars in Germany
             for hundreds of years.  Be there and just absorb the
             atmosphere.  If you are in the mood, order a glass of milk on
             the side.  I did; it took two hours.  Mind you it was in the
             early morning but it was fun.

See also:
  • Geneva, Switzerland, Earth
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Earth
  • Earth

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