HTDIG, WEB_TOOLS, WWW indexing and searching system The ht://Dig system is a complete world wide web indexing and searching system for a small domain or intranet. This system is *not* meant to replace the need for powerful internet-wide search systems like Lycos, Infoseek, Webcrawler and AltaVista. Instead it is meant to cover the search needs for a single company, campus, or even a particular sub section of a web site. As opposed to some WAIS or web server based search engines, ht://Dig can span several web servers at a site. The type of these different web servers doesn't matter as long as they understand the HTTP 1.0 protocol. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2. This OpenVMS port of ht://Dig 3.1.6 will install and run under OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 or later. The most recent version can be found at and by anonymous FTP to in the directory vms/ . To set up the software: - Unpack the archive: $ RUN CDROM:[HTDIG]GNU-AXPVMS-HTDIG-V0301-6R2-1.PCSI-ZIP_AXPEXE where CDROM is the drive that contains the OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM. - Install the software: $ PRODUCT INSTALL HTDIG Please see the PRODUCT command's help for available qualifiers. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) isn't yet perfect, so you may try and continue with the installation even if it fails. - Complete the base installation by executing $ @SYS$STARTUP:HTDIG_STARTUP CONFIG This will create SYS$MANAGER:HTDIG_CONFIG.DAT . - Set up the software by executing $ @SYS$STARTUP:HTDIG_STARTUP START The "START" parameter is optional, if SYS$MANAGER:HTDIG_CONFIG.DAT exists. This command should also be included in the system startup. - Make HTDIG_ROOT:[CGI-BIN]HTSEARCH.EXE accesible to the web server as a CGI program. The procedure depends on your web server software; e.g. for CSWS: $ SET SECURITY /OWNER=APACHE$WWW HTDIG_ROOT:[CGI-BIN]HTSEARCH.EXE - Make sure that the directories HTDIG_ROOT:[COMMON], [CONF], and [DB], all files in these directories, and the shareable image HTDIG_ROOT:[BIN]LIBDB_SHR.EXE are accessible to HTSEARCH.EXE when run by the account the web server runs under. The procedure depends on your web server software; e.g. for CSWS: $ SET FILE /OWNER=APACHE$WWW - _$ HTDIG_ROOT:[000000]COMMON.DIR, CONF.DIR, DB.DIR, - _$ [COMMON]*.*;*, [CONF]*.*;*, [DB]*.*;*, - _$ [BIN]LIBDB_SHR.EXE - Edit HTDIG_ROOT:[CONF]HTDIG.CONF to suit your needs. Complete documentation of the product including a description of all configuration attributes is installed by default, and can be found in HTDIG_ROOT:[DOCUMENTATION]. Especially modify the line containing the "start_url" attribute. Without being changed, the online ht://Dig documentation at will be indexed! Path and file specification attributes (e.g. common_dir, url_list) can be written in either VMS or Unix syntax, i.e. DEVICE:[DIR1.DIR2] can also be written as /device/dir1/dir2. When using variables in file specifications, a directory variable must be separated from the filename by a slash, e.g. ${database_dir}/db, regardless of the notation of the directory. This syntax is consistent with the ht://Dig documentation. As the dollar sign is used as a variable designator in attribute values, all dollar characters in device and directory names must be escaped (i.e. prepended with a backslash). That is, USER$DISK:[DIR] must be written as USER\$DISK:[DIR] or /user\$disk/dir. In the "external_parsers" and "pdf_parser" attributes' values, the external converter or parser programs must be valid DCL commands. The default values for attributes that are defined at compile time (refered to in the configuration file documentation) are: BIN_DIR /htdig_root/bin COMMON_DIR /htdig_root/common CONFIG_DIR /htdig_root/conf DATABASE_DIR /htdig_root/db IMAGE_URL_PREFIX /htdig_image PDF_PARSER pdftops VERSION 3.1.6-2/VMS The file specification of the default configuration file is found by the logical name HTDIG_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE. - Before you can start searching, you have to create a search database. A sample command procedure to do this is provided in HTDIG_ROOT:[BIN]RUNDIG.COM. - HTDIG_ROOT:[SEARCH]SEARCH.HTML contains a sample search form. The
attribute value must be changed to point to HTSEARCH.EXE. Also pay attention to the fields. The provided SEARCH.HTML uses image files from HTDIG_ROOT:[IMAGE], which must then too be accessible to the web server, of course. - If you build the software from sources, you can set up the build process to include OpenSSL, thus enabling the use of https in the search engine. I cannot make this available in the binary release for legal reasons. Sorry. The source distribution is available from the same site as the binary distribution. - Tools to index PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files are available from the same site as the binary distribution. Enjoy, Martin Vorlaender 01-Sep-2003